Friday, August 6, 2010

Fairly complex query for running balance

with tx as
 select null as transaction_date, null as date_time_encoded, 1 as balance_effect, 'Opening Balance' as category, '' as memo, opening_balance as amount
 from account_with_type_opening_balance
 where (account_id,account_type_id) = ('{3F52FED8-90D1-4249-A04E-42AB49D118F0}', '{960B8DAE-1C4C-432C-96E6-33974B6B2B19}')

 union all

 select ws.date_withdrawn_spent, ws.date_time_encoded, -1, ac.account_category_full_description, ws.memo, ws.amount
 from withdrawn_spent ws
 join account_category ac on ac.account_category_id = ws.account_category_id
 where (drawn_from_account_id,drawn_from_account_type_id) = ('{3F52FED8-90D1-4249-A04E-42AB49D118F0}', '{960B8DAE-1C4C-432C-96E6-33974B6B2B19}')

 union all

 select ws.date_withdrawn_spent, ws.date_time_encoded, 1, 
  || ' FX SOURCE-->' || a.account || ':' || c.currency || '(' || atx.account_type ||  ') ' 
  || to_char(ws.amount, 'FM9,999,999.90') || ' ' || c.currency_symbol 
  || ' #' || to_char(ws.exchange_rate, 'FM9,999,999.90'), 
  ws.memo, ws.transferred_to_amount
 from withdrawn_spent ws
 join account_category ac on ac.account_category_id = ws.account_category_id
 join account a on a.account_id = ws.drawn_from_account_id
 join currency c on c.currency_id = a.currency_id
 join account_type atx on atx.account_type_id = ws.drawn_from_account_type_id
 where (transferred_to_account_id,transferred_to_account_type_id) = ('{3F52FED8-90D1-4249-A04E-42AB49D118F0}', '{960B8DAE-1C4C-432C-96E6-33974B6B2B19}')

 union all

 select dr.date_deposited_received, dr.date_time_encoded, 1, ac.account_category_full_description, dr.memo, dr.amount
 from deposited_received dr
 join account_category ac on ac.account_category_id = dr.account_category_id
 where (received_in_account_id,received_in_account_type_id) = ('{3F52FED8-90D1-4249-A04E-42AB49D118F0}', '{960B8DAE-1C4C-432C-96E6-33974B6B2B19}')
 union all

 select fx.date_transferred, fx.date_time_encoded, 1, 
  'FX SOURCE-->' || a.account || ':' || c.currency || '(' || atx.account_type || ') ' 
  || to_char(fx.from_amount,'FM9,999,999.90') || ' ' || c.currency_symbol 
  || ' #' || to_char(fx.exchange_rate, 'FM9,999,999.90'), 
  fx.memo, fx.to_amount
 from fund_transfer fx
 join account a on a.account_id = fx.from_account_id
 join currency c on c.currency_id = a.currency_id
 join account_type atx on atx.account_type_id = fx.from_account_type_id
 where (fx.to_account_id,fx.to_account_type_id) = ('{3F52FED8-90D1-4249-A04E-42AB49D118F0}', '{960B8DAE-1C4C-432C-96E6-33974B6B2B19}')

 union all

 select fx.date_transferred, fx.date_time_encoded, -1, 
  'FX DEST-->' || a.account || ':' || c.currency || '(' || atx.account_type || ') ' 
  || to_char(fx.to_amount,'FM9,999,999.90') || ' ' || c.currency_symbol 
  || '#' || fx.exchange_rate, 
  fx.memo, fx.from_amount
 from fund_transfer fx
 join account a on a.account_id = fx.to_account_id
 join currency c on c.currency_id = a.currency_id
 join account_type atx on atx.account_type_id = fx.to_account_type_id
 where (fx.from_account_id,fx.from_account_type_id) = ('{3F52FED8-90D1-4249-A04E-42AB49D118F0}', '{960B8DAE-1C4C-432C-96E6-33974B6B2B19}')

sequenced as
  transaction_date, date_time_encoded, category, memo,
  row_number() over(order by transaction_date nulls first, date_time_encoded) as seq
 from tx
 transaction_date, date_time_encoded, category, memo,
 case when balance_effect = -1 then '-' else '+' end as effect, 
 sum(amount * balance_effect) over(order by seq) as balance
from sequenced
-- order by seq desc -- uncomment this if you want to see it from most recent to least recent
limit 30 offset 0

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