Saturday, July 16, 2011

NHibernate equivalent of Entity Framework's MapLeftKey and MapRightKey

Fluent NHibernate equivalent of Entity Framework's MapLeftKey and MapRightKey

.Override<Movie>(x => x.HasManyToMany(y => y.Genres).Table("MovieAssocGenre")        
.Override<Genre>(x => x.HasManyToMany(y => y.Movies).Table("MovieAssocGenre")

And EntityFramework equivalent of NHibernate's ParentKeyColumn and ChildKeyColumn

// You can either do this:
modelBuilder.Entity<Movie>().HasMany(x => x.Genres).WithMany(x => x.Movies).Map(x =>

// Or this:
modelBuilder.Entity<Genre>().HasMany(x => x.Movies).WithMany(x => x.Genres).Map(x =>

// In Entity Framework, there's no need to do both statements, just choose one. Any of those statement fully describes the many-to-many on both ends

// Whereas in NHibernate, you need to do both

The DDL:

create table Movie
MovieId int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
MovieName varchar(100) not null unique,
MovieDescription varchar(100) not null unique,
YearReleased int not null,
Version rowversion

create table Genre
GenreId int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
GenreName varchar(100) not null unique

create table MovieAssocGenre
MovieAssocGenreId int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
z_MovieId int not null references Movie(MovieId),
z_GenreId int not null references Genre(GenreId),
constraint uk_MovieAssocGenre unique(z_MovieId, z_GenreId)

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